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Interim Executive Board

Some changes have been made, by the DfE and North Tyneside Council, to the Governance structure of the school.  An Interim Executive Board (IEB) was appointed to fulfil the responsibilities usually carried out by the Governing Body.


The IEB will take on the responsibilities of the normally constituted governing body in order to secure a sound basis for the future improvement of the school.


Overall, the role of the IEB is to provide effective governance and leadership by bringing together a team of experienced individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to address the school's specific challenges.


The members of the IEB are all experienced professionals with wide ranging skills and expertise.  The IEB will work closely with our school leadership team to ensure the drive for school improvement is focused and effective.



 Job Title

 Belita Scott


 Debbie Redshaw   


 Clare Ellis


 Maddy Kennedy

 Education North Tyneside

 Heather Cape

 North Tyneside Council

 Christina Ponting

 Education North Tyneside
