We believe school uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the school environment. When pupils are dressed in the same clothing, it reduces the pressure to conform to fashion trends and can help them focus on their learning.
Our uniform is affordable and with the exception of the logoed jumper/cardigan, widely available from most supermarkets. We also have a stock of pre-owned clothing available in school, please ask at the school office or email info@balliolprimary.co.uk
Balliol's school uniform consists of:
- Royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan bearing the Balliol logo (available from www.totstoteams.com)
- Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore dress
- White/blue polo shirt/t-shirt
- White or grey socks
- Black, sensible (safe) shoes (low heels) for outdoor wear (not trainers)
- Royal blue/white checked dress (summer)
- T-shirt, shorts and ‘sandshoes’ for indoor P.E. (trainers and sweatshirt/joggers for outdoor)
Ordering uniform
You can order your logoed uniform online direct from our usual supplier as and when you need it.
Go to Tots to Teams website – www.totstoteams.com click on schools, then choose the Balliol badge. You will be presented with a list of items for you to choose from.
We have size samples in school if you need to try before you order.
You will need to pay for your uniform when you order it either by debit or credit card. Orders can then be delivered to your home address (there will be a P&P charge for this) or delivered to school for free, or collected from the factory. You will need allow a minimum of 2 weeks for your order to be ready
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Thompson or Mrs Robson