What to do if you are concerned about your child
We understand that parents sometimes feel concerned about the progress, attainment or wellbeing of their child in school.
1) Firstly, ensure that the following is in place at home:
* Good routines for getting up, getting dressed, eating meals, bedtimes etc. Children thrive on structure and routine and feel safe when things are more predictable.
* Good communication routines. Talk to your child, be present in the moment with them, avoid allowing them to spend a long time in front of a TV or device. Relationships are vital to wellbeing and achievement and your child needs you to be their communication role model.
* Plenty of fresh air and exercise. Children love to be active and it grows the brain when they are out and about in the world being stimulated.
* Clear boundaries at home for behaviour. Be consistent, talk to your child about the feelings and their actions, and how they can express themselves appropriately.
2) Attendance, attendance, attendance. As a school we cannot identify a potential learning need in a child, if your child is absent. We cannot refer them for support or intervention if your child is not in school to take part in that intervention. Your child must be in school every day, otherwise any issues could be the result of learning gaps from absenteeism.
3) Talk to your child's class teacher and express your concerns. Your child's class teacher will be able to give you some more insight into how your child is getting on and if they share any concerns or barriers about your child and their progress or wellbeing.
4) Use the links on our website to do some research and make sure that you are fully informed.
5) Visit your child's GP to discuss needs that you have identified. GP's can refer children into the ASC or ADHD pathway if they feel there is enough evidence. School can do this too, but only if we have supporting evidence that we see in school.
6) You can make a parental request for an EHC needs assessment if you think that is necessary and school don't feel that they have enough evidence to support the process. Speak to Mrs Jarvis for more details on this.
Accessing Support
Speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance if you have concerns that your child is struggling with their learning and may have additional needs. If they share concerns they will complete an initial concern form and our SENCO will action that and refer your child to the most relevant service to support learning.
Alternatively access the links below to look for guidance and where to get additional help and support.