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Christmas Festivities 2020

Christmas arrangements have to be a little different this year, due to current restrictions. However, that does not mean that we can’t still enjoy a lot of the events we would usually have in school at this time of year. We do have to alter some of them slightly, but we are determined that the children will still be able to have a lovely time. Please read the information below carefully in order that you can fully understand how things differ this year and we hope that you can all enjoy a very merry, Covid free, Christmas when it arrives! 


Christmas Cards 

Unfortunately, we will not be able to operate our Christmas post boxes this year due to Covid restrictions. Instead, we thought it would be nice for each child to bring in 1 card addressed to the whole class if they wish. The cards can then be put on display within the classroom for everyone to enjoy.  


Christmas lunches and Christmas Jumper day - Friday 11th December 

On Friday 11th December the children can come into school wearing a Christmas Jumper (voluntary donations to Save the Children if you wish) Please do not feel that you need to buy a jumper especially for this event, you can add tinsel or baubles to an existing jumper instead.

The kitchen will also be serving a hot Christmas dinner this day. As we must keep the class bubbles apart Reception, Years 1 and 2 will eat in the main hall. Years 3 – 6 will eat in the dining hall. There will be a maximum of 2 class bubbles in each hall at any one time sitting in their separate bubble groups. The children will remain in their seats and staff will bring a fully plated dinner to them. Children bringing packed lunches on that day will also sit with their bubble group.  


Christmas productions 

Unfortunately, we are unable to host any Christmas productions this year due to Covid restrictions. Instead, each bubble group will be recorded singing Christmas songs. These will be uploaded to be shared with you at home through your child’s SeeSaw account.  


Christmas Pantomime 

We did not want the children missing out on a Christmas Pantomime so we have bought an online pantomime performance ‘Robin Hood and his socially distanced men’ which will be streamed within their class bubble as follows: 


 11th December AM 

Year 1  

14th December PM 

Year 2  

14th December PM 

Year 3 

15th December PM 

Year 4  

14th December PM 

Year 5  

11th December AM 

Year 6  

11th December AM 


School will provide each pupil with treats to enjoy during the performance.  


Christmas Parties 

This year the Christmas parties can only take place within their class bubble. They will all take place in the afternoon sessions of the final week as shown in the table below: 


Monday 14th 

Tuesday 15th 

Wednesday 16th 

Thursday 17th 

Main Hall 



Year 1 

Year 2 

Dining Hall 

Year 3 

Year 4 

Year 5 

Year 6 

The halls will be deep cleaned and ‘fogged’ each night. 


Children wanting to wear party clothes should come to school wearing their party clothes that morning. There will be no changing of clothes during the school day (in line with our Covid risk assessments)  

School will provide party food which will be served within the classrooms. The halls will be used for dancing and playing (covid appropriate) party games.  


Other Christmas activities 

The children will enjoy making a selection of Christmas crafts on the afternoons of the final week (when they are not having a party or watching the pantomime.)  

In addition, on Friday 18th December, which is traditionally toy day, the children will not be able to bring in toys from home. However, school will provide a range of resources and activities for them to enjoy. They will enjoy a Christmas movie in the afternoon and as such can attend school on that day in non-uniform (comfortable clothes/onsies etc.) 


Kindest regards, 

Mrs Driver 

