Free online safety event - Understanding a Child's Digital World
Please see details below of a free online event hosted by Counter Terrorism Policing.
Understanding a Child’s Digital World – Event, Tuesday 16th 2021, 1800
FREE Online safety event open to parents, professionals -anyone who wants to learn more about the digital world
Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands are hosting a free online event to encourage parents and professionals to talk to children about online safety.
This session serves as an introduction to understanding the digital world and what risks are present for children.
The event will be interactive, open to everyone with questions encouraged – please join and circulate to anyone else who may be interested.
The event is supported by guest speakers from the East Midlands Cyber Engagement Team and Warning Zone. It will be opened by DCC Gibson from Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands
ACT Early more info here: 👉
Kind regards.
Ian Drummond
Detective Sergeant- Prevent
Special Branch
Counter Terrorism Policing North East