Governing Body decision regarding wider opening of school
Update regarding wider re-opening of schools
Following a meeting of the full governing body last night it has been decided that Balliol Primary will reopen only when it is safe to do so - rather than following the Government's June 1st target. At present we do not feel that we have enough clear information to enable us to make that decision and we are not prepared to risk the safety of parents, children or staff in reopening too soon. We appreciate that many parents may have jobs that they need to return to and we would encourage those parents to contact the school office in the first instance to see if we can accommodate your child under the key worker guidance.
We will remain open for vulnerable and keyworker children, as we have throughout this crisis and will be open for these families over the May half term week (including the bank holiday).
Staff will continue to provide online learning via the school website each week (except in school holidays) and after half term we aim to increase our contact with pupils by asking them to submit some work via the Class Blog or See Saw and increasing the calls we make to homes. We are aware that pupils in different schools may be attending school at this time and we do not want our pupils to fall behind. We would appreciate your support in this.
The school will be implementing the latest government guidance around social distancing for those children who do attend and continuing to prepare for wider school opening. The governing body will sit again on 16th June to reassess the ever-changing situation and if we feel it is safe to begin a wider opening, we will of course inform you at that point.
Finally as it is National ‘Thank a Teacher’ day, I am sure that you will join us in showing your appreciation for all the staff at Balliol Primary and the incredible hard work and dedication they have shown throughout this crisis.
Kindest regards
Mrs Driver