Phased re-opening of school
Dear Parents and Carers,
Phased re-opening of Schools
Last night the Prime Minister set out the next steps in the government’s response to Coronavirus. Step 2 will see the phased re-opening of schools in June 2020, beginning with children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Only if infection rates and the government’s other tests at the time allow it.
Our overriding consideration is one of safety. We are being asked by the Department for Education to prepare to open for more children. We will be using the next two weeks to make sure we manage the process of re-opening well, and that we have all sensible measures in place, so school will be a safe place for your child to return to.
This ‘new normal’ may mean that timings of the school day differ from what was previously available as we accommodate smaller groups of children. As always, we will be guided by what is published by the government. There will be more detailed guidance released for schools to consider in the coming days.
We will be contacting you to let you know the arrangements for your child’s return to school in due course and ask for your patience during this time.
With warmest regards
Mrs. Judith Driver