Dear parents and carers,
In light of the tighter Covid restrictions due to start tomorrow we would like to remind you of the arrangements we have in place to allow everyone to drop off and collect their children safely at the start and end of the school day.
Can we please ask you to support us by adhering to the following:
- Only coming to school at your allocated drop off and collection time and using your allocated entrance (see below)
- Breakfast club children must arrive at the main reception door at 8.00am
- Only 1 parent per household to accompany children to school.
- Leaving as soon as your child is safely in school/collected so as to avoid any unnecessary gatherings at the school gate.
Drop off time Collection time Drop off/collection point
Breakfast club - 8.00am N/A Main reception
Nursery - 9.00am 3.30pm EYFS yard gate next to Leigh’s Nursery
Reception - 9.00am 3.15pm EYFS yard gate next to Leigh’s Nursery
Year 1 - 8.45am 3.00pm Yellow gate in front of main reception
Year 2 - 9.00am 3.15pm Door on the ramp next to the main gates
Year 3 - 8.45am 3.00pm Rear play yard – enter school via the top door
Year 4 - 9.00am 3.15pm Rear play yard – enter school via the bottom door
Year 5 - 8.45am 3.00pm Quiet garden gate
Year 6 - 8.30am 2.45pm Quiet garden gate
Many thanks
Mrs Driver